Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Catching Up and San Diego I Miss You

Well, I must once again admit I am not a great blogger. If I was following this blog, I would stop. Borrrrring, snore...please don't, I'll get better I promise : P

Here is some pictures from our Coco Key fun...

These are my friend's cute and cuddly twins, who just turned a year...

Hunter and Libby, my friends 6th child of 8. She rocks at the mom thing, and she homeschools too. She was one of my inspirations to start homeschooling.
We are still living with our in-laws. I've had two houses lined up, and both fell through. But that's what I get for sending my husband to check out the first one. He's not a detail person. Unless it has to do with computers, of course. So that mold festering all over the basement, well it must have been hidden that day. Needless to say that house was not up to my standards. Next house, landlady lied... made promises...broke promises...and luckily she wasn't smart enough to get our deposit before she broke them. So once again I'm on the hunt. I need to hurry, my MIL is fattening me up with her yummy cooking!

San Diego was beautiful, I wish I was there.

Michael always has a phone attached to his head, poor guy can't seem to figure out how to remove it...
Wow my legs kinda look big, but it makes me feel the sun again...
Why do I wish I was there you ask....

Snow storms are not my thing! Around a foot of snow dumped on Iowa. The only reason I can tolerate it: #1 It's pretty from inside my warm house #2 I haven't had to go outside in two days #3 I have to!

Stay warm my friends!

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